The Modern Zen

The Modern Zen

Grand Life Mastery

Overcome Stress &

Create Blissful Personal and Professional Life

The Modern Zen

Stop Struggling with Stress

Lets discuss your Roadmap to Recovery 

Overcome Stress &

Create Blissful Personal and Professional Life

Life Coach ⍿ Disaster Recovery Coach ⍿ Career Coach


Stress can easily grow into a monster, holding your inner peace and happiness hostage

But there’s hope. You can target and eliminate this monster.

Ignoring any part of our self - mind, spirit, body results in another part of life falling out of place.

But when everything works together, life transforms!

" Happiness is when What you think,

What you say, What you do

are in Harmony! "

- Mahatma Gandhi!

It is not the stress that kills us,   It is our reaction to it!

Understand that your fears never need to hold you back from your goals.

Organize your mind , so that you achieve more in less time.

Build the confidence, to earn raise and recognitions.

Control your Energy Drains, and enjoy time with your loved ones!

Pursue life’s passions and create meaningful and manageable life.

Have you been through any of these feelings? If you nodded your head in a YES,

you're in the right place!

You feel emotionally exhausted.

Emotional fatigue is something that lies overall at the heart of burnout. When you have ended all your emotional stock in dealing with the challenges at your workplace, your emotional strength to handle things has now finished. Eventually, you feel emotionally exhausted.

You have become irritable and impatient at work.

If you have noticed yourself bothered by small things, irritated, and even annoyed, you might create tension for yourself. This tension can make you sensitive to small things that won't matter otherwise, and you'll often be guilty of overreacting to the less important stuff.

You think work-related anxiety is creeping into your personal life.

Anxiety — when it silently interferes in your personal and professional life is the deadliest thing that can take the joy out of both walks of life. Hiding your work-life problems doesn’t work and almost worsens the situation.

You find it hard to concentrate.

No matter if it’s your job or any other chore you are up to complete, “concentration” is the key. But you can't think clearly if you cannot concentrate on your work. And, your performance at whatever you do will get affected badly.

Ruminative thoughts keep chewing your head.

Sleeping is the time when your body and mind have to wind down. But, if the work-related stressors keep chewing in your head, your mind will find it difficult to unwind. You can’t simply have sweet dreams with a mind brimming with stressful thoughts.

You have a hard time sleeping because of your work.

You're working outside the normal 9-5 routine as a shift worker. This means you have a work schedule that goes against your biological clock and circadian rhythm. That's why you find it difficult to sleep, stay asleep, and sleep when you want to.

 Book a Session  with me!

Schedule a no obligation call and Lets discuss your Roadmap to Recovery


 Certified Professional Life Coach, Certified Career and

Disaster Recovery Coach.


I see you 

     Are you constantly trying to pick up the pieces and you just don’t know how to keep up? Do you ever feel like your life is going by too quickly?

   You are always tired and exhausted at the end of the day, and you don't feel fulfillment in what you do.

   You forget about important events or homework assignments for your kids. You get the dishes cleaned but you look around the house and everything else is a disaster. You just can’t seem to get ahead.

   You are pushing yourself to work harder, faster, or have more willpower, and don't see an end to it.


   I know how you’re feeling because I’ve been there...


   Juggling work and family life, Being stressed and not being sure if what I was doing with my life is right.

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Download your free checklist to go from

Chaos To Calm.

25 Tips to reduce stress.

Download your free workbook to go from Chaos To Calm.

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Let’s create a strategic roadmap

to accelerate your life with power session.


Reduce overwhelm, gain clarity and confidence and elevate self-identity in short time


Build and implement structures,

systems and strategies

for your dream life

Life   is not about waiting for the storm to pass

but learning how to dance in the rain.

Don't count the days,         

make the days count!


I am Ajanta...

           I’m a Certified Professional Life , Career and Disaster Recovery Coach. With 15 years of experience in the corporate world under my belt.

  My passion for helping people live life fully led to my work as an author, coach, entrepreneur who is passionate about helping people live a life they adore

With my unique coaching program I help women become the best versions of themselves. I help them manage their stress, burnout and find their drive. With the tips and strategies in my program they manage their time both at home and at work. They were able to pursue their life’s passions with confidence and clarity.

In other words, they were able to create the life they aspired for.

You can also do the same.
Take your first step. Today.

" Happiness is when What you think, What you say, What you do

are in Harmony! "

- Mahatma Gandhi!

Don't count the days, make the days count!

Book a Session with me!

Schedule a no-obligation call and let me show you how I can best support you to Transform your life!

 Book a Session  with me!

Schedule a no-obligation call and Lets discuss your

Roadmap to Recovery

Download your free workbook to go from Chaos To Calm.

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Download your free checklist to go from Chaos To Calm.

25 Tips To Reduce Stress.

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