The Modern Zen

The Modern Zen

Hey, Stress

Lets Break Up

Get Comfy, 

Its Story Time

Do you want to cheer for your son as he makes his first goal in his soccer team’s game?

Or watch your daughter play a fairy in the school play? How about going on that vacation your better half has been raving about for months on end?

Well, you may have everything figured out. Made the best plans with all the contingencies you can think of to make everything perfect.

But, life does have a funny way of throwing a monkey wrench into our plans.

Like what Mr. Murphy said, “Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong.”

Take it from me. Been there. Experienced that.

Perfect mom, wife, daughter, and friend. Yup, these were the roles I tried to play in life.

This doesn’t include yet my professional life as a data analyst. Working with the team while managing my own tasks.


life suddenly came to an abrupt halt

 I fainted. Face first. Into the ground.

Then, the tests and doctors’ visits came. Two months’ worth of it actually. But, my doctors were baffled, to say the least. Nothing came up . . . until one doctor told me that it may have been something I didn’t really take into account.


Yes, the silent killer.

At that point, everything changed.

It made me take a step back and take a deep breath. I had to check why I was so stressed.

I started asking myself,

“Why did this happen?”

“How did this happen?”

“What should I do?”

The last question had me thinking hard. It made me assess everything I did.

I had to make a plan to take out the stress in my life. And I did.

I started to organize myself. Took account of my stress points and the things that fed my anxiety. Slowly but surely, I was able to get out of the rat race.

After nearly 15 years in the corporate world, I finally have a life that’s both fulfilling and rewarding. I’m now handling more things that I didn’t think I could handle. Without stress.

My life has changed.

You can also do the same. Well . . . probably without having to go through everything. Definitely not the fainting part.

You can manage your stress and turn your life around. Manage your stress and pursue your passions in life. Manage stress and see yourself soar.

This is where I can help you. I created a program that can help you become an achiever, an entrepreneur, a woman. You can use the tips and strategies I designed to make your life better, be it at home or at work.

You will be able to manage time better and practice self-love. You will be able to transform yourself for the better and become the person you want to be.

Let me help you and be part of your success story!

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Chaos To Calm.

25 Tips To Reduce Stress.

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